Strategic Income Fund

For lower risk investors who want to minimise drawdowns but still target higher single digit returns. By investing in a mix of higher yielding securities from real estate, corporate and government bonds we aim for consistency and liquidity that retirees need.

A Fixed Income Fund Focused on Consistent Returns

The Strategic Income Fund suits lower risk investors, or those who want to target consistency of return over the long term, in a diverse range of debt and income markets.

Lower Risk

A core diversified lower return volatility for your portfolio.

The Strategic Income Fund targets consistent sources of return from the underlying fund investments. Coupled with a diverse range of underlying investments the Strategic Income Fund

Liquidity and Consistency

A monthly liquidity fund that targets high single digit returns.

The Strategic Income Fund offers monthly liquidity for shorter to medium term time horizon investors, or those with a more pessimistic or risk averse outlook on more traditional markets. Retirees generally prefer steady, predictable gains that are readily accessed.

Alternatives Access

Fixed Income Alts Part of a Modern Portfolio

The Strategic Income Fund seeks out alternative fixed income investments not normally offered to individual clients. It means you can hold innovative debt offerings that offer higher yields in well diversified funds run by expert managers.

Comprehensive Strategies for Diversified Income

The Strategic Income Fund combines traditional market strategies, real estate investments, alternative fixed income, and bespoke approaches to create a diversified portfolio, balancing growth potential with income generation and risk mitigation.

Traditional Markets

Traditional bond markets, particularly high-yield bonds, offer a liquid, core holding that establishes a stable, lower-risk foundation from corporate credit and mainstream sources of yield.

Real Estate

Real estate offers diverse investment opportunities, including residential and commercial rental properties, mortgage pools, and construction projects, providing income, capital appreciation, and portfolio diversification, with varying levels of risk and liquidity.

Alternative Fixed Income

Private credit, infrastructure and distressed debt are non-traditional fixed income investments that can offer higher yields and can be an attractive option for investors seeking income generation with lower correlation to traditional bond markets.

Traditional Markets – Alts Approach

We leverage innovative strategies within traditional markets, identifying promising segments to build fixed-income-like structures, that transform growth potential into stable income, targeting diversification and consistent returns.

Strategic Income Fund Performance

Cumulative Returns (%)

As at 2025-01-31 (Class F) FHC310
1M 3M 6M 1Y 3Y Inception*
0.6 0.9 2.2 6.2 NA 4.7

Growth of $10,000 Invested Since Inception†

As at 2025-01-31 (Class F) FHC310

Monthly Returns (%)

As at 2025-01-31 (Class F) FHC310
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2022 -0.2 -0.1 -0.2 -0.4
2023 0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.3 0.2 -0.3 -0.5 2.0 1.5 4.8
2024 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.6 1.3 0.9 1.1 -0.7 0.6 -0.3 6.2
2025 0.6 0.6

Fund Fact Sheet

Comprehensive Strategic Income Fund insights, including risk, performance, and key features, to help investors & advisors make informed decisions.

Fund Fact Sheet

Fund investment objectives and latest since inception performance data and risk statistics.

Offering Memorandum

The Offering Memorandum documents for Series D of Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust Advisor Series.

Term Sheets

Essential details on purchasing, fees, FundServ codes, and minimum investments to guide your fund acquisition process.

Subscription Documents

Legal documentation outlining fund structure, key terms, and essential risk disclosures for informed investment decisions.


†All performance and risk statistics are based on monthly total returns of the Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust – Series D Strategic Income Fund in Canadian dollars since inception at October 1st, 2022. All returns are time-weighted total returns of the F class, net of fees, and annualized for periods one year or greater. The rate of return and growth of $10,000 is used only to illustrate the effects of the compound growth rate and is not intended to reflect future values of the investment fund.

Fieldhouse Capital Management Inc. is the Investment Fund Manager, Portfolio Manager and trustee of Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust Advisor Series funds. Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust funds are subject to management fees, trailing commissions, incentive fees and administration fees. For detailed information on fees see the the Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust offering memorandum and the Series D offering memorandum supplement or the term sheets.

The Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust Series D fund changed it’s investment strategy and it’s name from the “Total Return Investor” to “Strategic Income Fund” on October 1st, 2022. The fund’s NAV was reset to $10 at this time. The strategy of the Series D fund changed from a global macro total return objective to the income objective described on this page and in the Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust offering memorandum. Series D of Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust was previously Class D of Fieldhouse Pro Funds Inc. which had an inception date of April 1st, 2016. Fieldhouse Pro Funds Inc. converted to Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust on January 1st, 2022. Historical fund performance for previous strategies is available upon request. The Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust offering memorandum and the Series O offering memorandum supplement contain additional information that should be considered by all investors prior to investing.

The risk and return profile of Fieldhouse Pro Funds Trust funds may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should seek professional advice before making an invesmtent. The historical returns presented here are not an indication of future performance. The risks of this investment are described in the offering memorandum and offering memorandum supplement. Future returns may be positive or negative. Do not use this webpage as the sole means to decide how to invest. There are many important factors to consider, and investors should seek professional advice that can assess their personal circumstances and risk appetite. This webpage is not a solicitation for investment.